Also Known as: Helmet flower, Hoodwort, Quaker Bonnet
Uses: Tea, Tincture
Parts Used: Aerial parts, leaves
Skullcap is a native to North American perennial herb. Skullcap is an excellent nervine and sedative that relieves stress, anxiety, insomnia, drug and alcohol withdrawal and pain while nourishing the nervous system. Good for over thinkers. Soothes and quiets the irritability of the nervous system. It is used to promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation during times of occasional distress. This herb was originally introduced into American folk medicine as a cure for rabies, giving rise to one of the common names, mad dog weed. Also used for colic, flatulence, fever, restlessness, sun stroke, high cholesterol, hardening of the artieries, allergies and headaches.
You will find Skullcap in Happy Bee Whimsical Tea Blend.
Garden Tips:
Skullcap thrives in moist garden soil in shade or sun. Sow in garden in cool soils of fall or early spring, or give 30 days cold conditioning by mixing seed with moist medium in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, then sow in warm soil. Germination in 30 days. Best grown in open gardens and not in pots whick tend to frustrate its life force. This herb is a perennial and will come back every year. A great addtion to any garden!
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